As Christian Leaders we are engaged in a spiritual battle where the evil one confronts us with trials and temptations that will attack our righteousness. Jesus was not immune from temptation and faced the very temptations that are common to humankind. In Luke 4:1-13, we read of His confrontation with temptation:
1. Temptation of INDULGENCE (Flesh) - wants, desires... [Luke 4:3]
2. Temptation of GRATIFICATION (World) - greed, opportunity... [Luke 4:6]
3. Temptation of the SPECTACULAR (Ego) - recognition, power... [Luke 4:9]
There was a final temptation that Jesus faced, which is a deeper, even more insidious temptation:
4. Temptation of SELF-DOUBT - "If you are the Son of God...?" [Luke 4:9]
This is an echo of the temptation Adam and Eve faced in the Garden of Eden - "Did God really say...?"Self-doubt is crippling, especially when it comes to the life of holiness. Satan causes Christian Leaders to doubt the righteousness that is credited to them by the grace of Jesus Christ by asking, "if you are who you claim to be, why can't you do it?" Yet, we have the promise from Scripture that God's "divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3). When we believe the subtle lies of Satan, we deny the power that is within us through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit will often lead us to places where we don't necessariy want to go (wilderness), which is usually a place of vulnerability. It is in this place of vulnerability where "Holy Leadership" becomes grounded by the confrontation of this spiritual battle. However, it is in this place that God's divine power is made perfect as we are totally dependant upon the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, through His Spirit, to give us victory - "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 12:9)
This session on "Holy Leadership", by Colonel Raymond Finger, was a sober reminder for all leaders to be on guard, as the enemy of our soul seeks to rob us from our righteousness, which comes from Jesus Christ.
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